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quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010

TAG Six things you don't know about me:

Tenho andado desaparecida daqui, eu sei e peço mil desculpas aos meus poucos, mas fiéis leitores. O trabalho da faculdade acumula-se e a vontade de não o fazer também mas visto que já são os últimos cartuchos tenho de fazer um esforço, por mais pequenino que seja.
De qualquer modo, hoje estou aqui para responder à tag que me foi deixada pela Inês [perfect drug] e pela Cátia [simple things of life] onde devo listar 6 coisas que não saibam sobre mim (por uma questão prática vou responder à tag somente em inglês):

I've been MIA lately, i know and apologize to my few, but loyal readers. College work is piling up and so is the will not to do it but since this is my last year i have to make one final effort, as little as it may be.
Anyway, today i'm here to respond to the "6 things you don't know about me" tag that was left by Inês [perfect drug] and Cátia [simple things of life]:

1. My favourite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid. I guess i could relate that to my love for sea creatures...

2. I have a belly button piercing that i'm not that proud of. I got it when i was 13 and apparently that was cool at the time, or so i thought.

3. I have a deadly allergy to pine nuts and prunes.

4. I've had a number of paranormal experiences, some of them not so great. One that was kind of cool was when i was getting my tonsils removed. During the surgery i saw myself from the ceiling. It's not something that i can clearly explain, but it happened. Trust me.

5. I used to be a goth in my teenage years.

6. When I was little I used to play with my bellybutton. Now that's a weird fact isn't it? Well... I didn't play with it like that little boy in the "Shining" movie that talked to his finger, I used to like rubbing it for some weird reason. Then i had to have surgery because i developed 2 hernias.
Okay. Maybe i should shut up now.

I tag:
Beleza com a Dudis
Ana Encarnação
Ficheiros M
Overdose de beleza
And everyone else who wants to do it!

3 comentários:

  1. Xxxxxxiiiii, tadita... se eu não pudesse comer pinhões acho que me passava! :D

    E também eu já fui gótica, pá...*suspiro* einfim, quem não passou por essas tretas durante a adolescência que atire a primeira pulseira de picos! ;D

    Ok, vou tentar fazer o mesmo no meu blog, nunca percebi bem como estas cenas funceminam, mas i'll give it a try! ;)


    P.S- Ah e vou votar, pois claro! ;)

  2. adoro :D
    também fiquei surpreendida quando descobri acerca do piercing que vive no teu umbigo, lembras-te?
    ahh que saudades de descobrir coisas surpreendentes (e geralmente engraçadas) contigo e com a teresa. beijinho* ahh eu votei em ti!
